Thursday, April 21, 2022

Dress and Cape for Child


This rectangular construction dress matches one I made for myself from a flannel sheet, but pillowcase sized(actually even smaller!). The hooded cloak is stretchy velveteen lined with gold holo latex. The child in question wasn't particularly interested when I brought them over but she will be eventually. 

It was great practice for my own under-dress which is waiting for the over-bodice to be done so I can determine the neckline. I've got over half the eyelets done. I'm trying a different approach, just whip-stitch rather than buttonhole stitch and it goes quicker! Then I have to decide on the hem and finish the shoulders....

Stay tuned!

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Silly Girls Publicity shots

 Thanks to the costume designer I have these great shots:

I wasn't involved w/ Belle or Gaston's costumes but they look great!

The Silly Girls in the background.

Another great shot of the Silly Girls' dresses :

So in the end I'm glad I did it and did a good job but was also glad I was finished. My own dress for my spring concert with the Solstice Singers is well along in the 'mockup' stage and the underdress is almost done. I'm going to finish the mockup and probably use it with a long skirt for the concert rather than tackle the final aqua linen. I'm working on the eyelets and then there is only the hem and shoulder seams.... picture soon.